Middleton Grange Public School

Telephone02 9607 9661



Welcome to our Library

At Middleton Grange PS, through our Library, we aim to establish a positive learning environment that enhances student, staff, and community engagement with quality literature that fosters life-long learners and readers. Classes visit the library on a regular basis, where they have the opportunity to explore, read and borrow from our diverse collection of quality texts. 

Library Days

At the beginning of each term, students will be informed of when their Library day is for the remainder of the term. As you can appreciate, schools are very busy places, and occasionally there may be a need to change your child’s Library day. If this happens, we will try our best to keep you informed through SeeSaw, so that you can continue to assist your child prepare for his/her library visit. Sometimes, classes may have to miss out on their Library visit due to a scheduled whole-school event, excursion or staff development day - this unfortunately is unavoidable. On rare occasions, teachers may be away from school. Time permitting, classroom teachers will endeavour to take their classes to the Library to return and borrow on their usual Library day, however this cannot be guaranteed. Your understanding regarding this issue is much appreciated. The Library is also open before school on Mondays and Tuesdays for students and their parents/caregivers to browse our fabulous collection, read and/or borrow.  


Kindergarten to year 4 students need a library bag in order to borrow, whereas for those in years 5 to 6 this is optional. Our little kindergarteners can borrow 1 book, years 1 to 4 borrow up to 2 books, whilst years 5 to 6  borrow up to 3 books per week. Although children are actively encouraged to borrow, sometimes students prefer not to. Their decision is always respected. For those students who forget to bring their library bag, they are able to borrow a book to read in class, if they wish. 

Also, students in year 1 to 2 who have achieved a reading level 22+, borrow 1-2 quality texts from the Library on Fridays, for home reading the following week. It is our belief at MGPS, that students benefit greatly from reading quality literature, that is, books that explore a wide range of themes that reflect our diverse world, contain illustrations that enhance meaning and use sophisticated vocabulary and language features to extend their reading and comprehension skills. 

Library Bags

Library bags can be purchased from the office for $10. Bags have the school logo printed on the front and are waterproof - great for keeping library books safe from leaky drink bottles! Kindergarten to year 4 students may use any other type of library bag if they wish.  

Lost and Damaged Books

We kindly ask that families pay for any damaged or lost library books, so that they can be replaced. If your child receives an overdue notice, please help your child look for their book/s and return to the Library as soon as possible. Do not hesitate to contact the school, if you have any queries regarding this matter.


At Middleton Grange PS, we strongly encourage students in kindergarten to year 2 to ask a parent/caregiver or older sibling to read aloud their library book to them. In doing so, you are:

1. nurturing a love of reading,

2. furthering the development of his/her literacy skills,

3. building background knowledge,

4. extending his/her vocabulary,

5. developing a sense of empathy

Did you know that re-reading your child’s library book is also a great way to improve your child’s comprehension, fluency and recognition of patterns and rhythm; whilst also spending some quality time together?

World Book Online

Our school subscribes to World Book Online to help staff, students and their families conduct research or simply to read up about any topic that may be of interest. Search and explore the online encyclopedia for easy to read articles, pictures and videos. This wonderful digital resource includes a dictionary, atlas, map outlines, games activities, timelines and science experiments. Even compare animals or countries side-by-side.